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There are several different areas of ministry in our church if you are looking for a place to serve.  Here are some of the ways that you can be involved. For any of these ministries, please contact the church office and the appropriate person will be contacted.


Projection Screen: 

You will need to be here by 8:30 am on Sunday morning in order to enter the information into the computer for our Sunday morning service.  Training is a must and will be provided. 



In this area of ministry, you would need to be here by 10:00 am on Sunday morning to hand out the bulletin and greet members and guests as they enter the church. 


Sound System:

Training is a must and will be provided for this ministry.  You would be responsible for the sound during the service on Sunday mornings.  You would have to be here by 8:30 on Sunday due to practice of the praise teams.  You may be asked to help with sound during other activities of the church. 


Membership Cooking Teams:

Membership is responsible mainly for planning and coordinating church meals/social functions.  


Entry Way
Kid's Ministry:

It is our hope, as we are given the opportunity to live life with teens, to model Christ’s love for each of them and the world. We desire to disciple young hearts and minds through the study of Scripture, service to others and outreach into our local community. Our program utilizes retreats, conferences, worship events, small groups, outdoor activities and many other avenues for the purpose of developing character, supporting one another, and sharing Christ love for us. We invite you to encourage your teen to have an active faith, to be involved with a group of like minded believers and worship the One True King here at the Harlan Christian Church.   

Christian Women's Fellowship:

The ladies of HCC have been a blessing to hundreds if not thousands of people through their compassion, care, and hard work.  CMF puts together care packages for all of our college students so that they still get a little taste of home no matter where they attend school.  The ladies also participate in the Community Passion Week services by providing lunch for the community during one of the services.  Our ladies have provided countless numbers of meals to families that have experienced a death in the family or sickness, to ease some of the burden.  They also host baby showers, wedding showers, and other events.  But women have great opportunities to develop friendships and their faith as well.  HCC hosts a community wide women’s bible study on Monday mornings, as well as a bible study on Wednesday night designed just for women.  We’d love for you to join us.

Front Door View
Window View
Christian Men's Fellowship:

Scripture tells us that Iron sharpens iron, and so at HCC we want to provide men of all ages an opportunity to spend time with one another, learn from one another, grow in our faith… and just have a good time.  Each month, CMF has an evening meal, cooked by the guys, just for the guys, followed by a devotional.  Every spring, our guys also host a community wide Fish Fry with a prominent nationally known speaker.  We also try to build relationships with men of other congregations by participating in a monthly Bean Supper that rotates throughout the community.  HCC also offers a bible study on Wednesday nights designed specifically for men.   And we’ve been blessed with men who have servant’s hearts that assist those in need with home or automotive repairs, yard work, or any other need that arises.  And we’re always looking for new guys to join in the fun and ministry.

Senior Adult Ministries:

The gospel is “good news”, regardless of what stage of life you’re in.  At HCC, we try to provide an atmosphere that friendships can be developed and faith can be nurtured, at any age.  You’ll find that the generations definitely blend together in this family of faith, but we also provide programs that are age specific as well.  Senior Adults have classes designed specifically for their season in life, as well as social activities that are fun and faith building.  Senior Adult conferences, day trips, and luncheons are just a few of the events that you can enjoy while building and strengthening your faith and friendships.

Stained Glass
Elimisha House:

This ministry provides housing and basic skills to help with employment, budgeting and family life for graduates of the Hope Center. 

Christ's Hands:

This ministry helps with cooking, serving and cleaning up after an evening meal for individuals/families that are fed on a daily basis at Christ’s Hands.  HCC is responsible for Wednesday’s meal and are asked to be there at 4:30 pm. 

Card Ministry:

This consists of sending birthday, anniversary, encouragement, get well, sympathy cards, etc. during a specific month.  Cards and stamps are provided. 

Hope Center:

This ministry consists of a time of devotion for the ladies and/or other volunteer services. 

Outreach Cooking Teams:

This ministry is mainly responsible for planning and coordinating meals that would be taken to families in the event of bereavement, sickness, etc.  If you are not on a team and would like to be let us know.


Bible Studies:

Notice: As we continue to make adjustments to our scheduling due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, please visit our Events page where you will find information about Celebrate Recovery. Access bible study classes that we are offering via HCC Online page. Each Sunday morning starting at 10:30 am, we are streaming our worship services online using Facebook and YouTube. Please click the icons in the social bar located on every page to view, like and subscribe!


Sunday School

We believe that every believer regardless of age should be studying God's Word. It is because of this belief that we offer Sunday School and Children's Church each week.  In addition to this, we offer an nursery which is available from 9:15 till 11:45.




  • The Adult Class is taught by John Luttrell at 9:30 AM on Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall.

Men's Bible Study


The men's Bible Study meets on Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM on the 2nd floor of the church.  

Women's Bible Study


Holly Johnson provides a Women's Bible study on Wednesday nights on the 2nd floor at 6:30 PM. 


On Monday mornings at 9:45 AM, we offer an additional Bible Study. Led by Nancy Miller and Cylisa Howard in the Fellowship Hall of the church. 

Family Bible Study


Charlie Morris teaches on Wednesday nights in the sanctuary at 6:30 PM


*Note that the Men's, Women's and Family Bible Studies typically finish in May and start back up in August or September. Look for announcements to be made online, on our website and in our Newsletter/Disciple Notes. 



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